Thursday, July 26, 2007

A Letter to My Son


I have always wanted to write you a letter since you were born. But you know, you have taken up literally all the leisure time of your Mom and me, to an extent that I could hardly find a suitable time to sit down and write you a letter. So, here I am.

You have brought to the family some new dynamics. After you were born, your Grandpa hasn't been mad at anybody, and the whole family just loves you and focuses on you all the time. This is good. But I am secretly worried about it because I don't want you to be spoiled. You deserve all the love we have, but that does not mean that we will spoil you. And I am sure you will understand later that this is for your own good.

You have also enriched my life. I did not understand what parental love is before you were born. I never understand why parents would bring their kids to Disneyland despite that they have been to most of the Disneys in the world. I never understand why parents can sacrifice so much for their kids. Now I understand.

When I look into your eyes, I am touched by your angelic look. You are so perfect, so pure and so friendly. You have all the good features from your Mom and Dad! You are even cuter than your Dad when he was small. When I play with you in the morning before going to work, I don’t really want to say goodbye to you. Of course we’d like you to look smart and handsome. But don’t ever think that this is a big deal and the whole world will revolve around you because of that. More importantly, don’t look down on others who aren’t as good looking as you are. Don’t judge others purely by appearance. This is not God’s intention when he created you. Be self confident! By all means! But do not think or act in such a way that gives the impression of you being cocky. Your Dad suffered that a lot in the past. Don’t tread the same steps!

You have shown much interest in classical music. Well, perhaps I misread you when you looked as if you were paying attention when we played you Mozart, Beethoven, and even Mahler. Who cares? I am sure you must have enjoyed it, because you behaved so much better when there is music. You might wish to learn some instruments when you are a bit older, but if you don’t feel like it, I don’t mind. I just want you to have the ability to appreciate good music. And the good thing is, you have a fountain of resources at home if you want to pursue appreciation of music.

You also seem to like books whenever we show them to you. I hope you like reading because that’s where knowledge comes from. It would help you enormously, not only in terms of knowledge, but also language skill, which relates to your thinking. So develop a habit of reading. You won’t regret for it.

There are several things I would like to tell you. You have to remember them for the rest of your life. First, you are not a problem. You are a gift from God. No one could do anything to make you worthless, and nobody can take away the Love of God and the love of your parents. No matter what other people do, you will remain the most precious one in His eyes. There will come a time you will feel frustrated, helpless, and even useless. Just remember, you are not a problem. You are a gift from God.

Second, you are always welcome to come to your Mom and me for whatever problem you face, because we love you. And we love you not because of any other reasons, but just because you are our son. You may sometimes think that your parents are harsh and they do not understand you. But remember they are the only ones who love you unconditionally on earth. So do come home whenever you like. You are always welcome.

The last thing is: you are unique and have all the potentials to be an outstanding individual. Do strike for the best in your life. Have a dream! Go for it! If you can’t make it, don’t despair. It is your effort and determination that count. Build your character by facing failure. Grab the opportunity to grow and learn when there is failure. Make sure you admit your mistake and don’t make them again. Get on with your life, then you will have improvement every time you face a problem. Persist in it. I am sure you will find your way eventually. Listen to the small voice in your heart, as it is always telling you what you should do.

Be strong and be good. Be a real man when you grow up. I look forward to seeing a lovely little boy turning into a useful person contributing to the community. Bring laughters to those around you. Be weird whenever you can. Don't fear to be a non-conformist!

I hope this is not too much for you to digest. I shall keep writing to you. I hope this is a good start.

With all my love,


Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Rattle's Mahler

指揮家西蒙拉圖(Simon Rattle)花了17年,指揮3個樂團完成的馬勒交響曲全集(1986-2004年),EMI將發行14CD限量套裝版.

Tungpo, have you been waiting for this set? I have got his 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10 and Das Lied. Not much incentive to buy this set.

Monday, July 23, 2007


After my son was born, I had a different understanding of myself and the things around me:

1) I now know why my father would say he does not like to eat something very delicious, because he would like to let us eat more.

2) I now know why parents bring their kids to Disneyland, despite that they don't really like it, because they want their kids to be happy

3) I now know what I did when I said something to hurt my parents

4) I now know my parents only give the best to me

5) I now know what true parental love is like

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Beethoven Violin Concerto

This Beethoven Violin Concerto version is arguably the best. It has recently been reissued as a bargain version (only HKD60 even in HMV). Schneiderhan is not a very all around violinist. His reportoire is restricted to Austrian/German classical and early romantic period. But his Beethoven has been a classic to many critics. To me, his interpretation is elegant and poised. Perhaps it suits Beethoven violin concerto, which I consider is a very feminine piece (compared with Sibelius, for example). The Mozart No.5 is a bonus and he played it really well. I think this CD is a bargain. For those who hasn't owned one in your collection, please get hold of a copy. You will not regret it.

You may ask which version I like the most. It's Heifitz!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Hahahah!!! Please read this!

Friday, July 13, 2007

Bra Size

Read this from Mad Dog:

The Key to Bra Sizes

Men, ya ever wonder what those bra cup size really mean? I've found the secret.

* A -- "A"lmost boobs.

* B -- "B"arely there.

* C -- "C"an do.

* D -- "D"amn good.

* E -- "E"normous.

* F -- "F"ake.

* G -- "G"igantic.

* H -- "H"umongous.

* I -- "I"ncredible.

Overbust Measurement

Measure round the fullest part of your bust to determine Cup size. If the bust measurement is:

* same as your bra size, your Cup size is A.

* 1 inch more gives Cup size B

* 2 inches more gives Cup size C

* 3 inches more gives Cup size D

* 4 inches more gives Cup size DD

* 5 inches more gives Cup size E

and so on through F, FF and G

This gives us:

* A - Anything there?

* B - Beginning (to get interesting)

* C - (worth) Considering

* D - Damn good

* DD - Doubly delicious

* E - Enormous

* F - Fabulous

* FF - Ffff-phew

* G - Golly gosh (or some such epithet)

This is good!!

Thursday, July 12, 2007


Any of you remember that 美達路 (the girl travelling with the boy) would take off her clothes in the train while some voice would give instruction to her? I vaguely remember (actually quite sure about it!) this but all my friends don’t. And they all said I must have watched some porn version! Please help clarify this and what was she doing when she took off her clothes. Thanks.

Chateau Latour 1949

This was taken at yesterday's lunch (you can barely see me in the background). This is the oldest wine I have had so far. Absolutely hedonistic!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Conccert in Nanjing

文明的恥辱 法國音樂家在中國開音樂會被氣哭
台下亂哄哄 此起彼伏的手機鈴聲、說話聲 氣哭法國音樂家演出被迫中斷


[原標題]:音樂會台下亂哄哄 法國音樂家流下傷心淚














  “對學音樂的孩子來說,培養對音樂的感受非常重要。我覺得應該讓孩子去美術館看畫展、讀文學、游覽城堡…… 藝術是一個大范圍。”對於坐不住的孩子,布菲強調,家長的態度其實決定了他自己對音樂家是否尊重。如果家長不熱愛音樂,無法靜心傾聽,又怎麼能為自己的孩子做出榜樣呢?“我希望中國的孩子可以把紛繁的比賽放一放,多開自己的演奏會,這樣當有人談話、弄出雜音,才能讓孩子自己體會到,表達音樂時,讓別人在台下靜靜地傾聽自己,有多麼重要。”






  本報記者 張楠 攝影 尤曉源 本版策劃 鞠健夫



  肖邦、老柴、貝多芬,隻要我們願意,自然能玩得起來。學音樂的人每年都在增長,可惜我們隻接軌了旋律、節奏或者音符,但中國音樂會的現場卻一直做不到跟國外接軌,這難免令人“痛心疾首”。我的建議是:接軌任重道遠,不如大家先學學那位媽媽,讓孩子先學會在音樂裡睡覺吧。 馬 彧

  高雅場合的不文雅舉止 言傳身教的力量


  言傳身教,榜樣的力量是巨大的。因為我們的孩子,看多了父母在各種高雅場合的不文雅舉止,沉浸在中國“市井”文化的氣場中,他們自然而然把音樂會變成了一個吵鬧喧嘩的玩耍地,並不是因為他們生來就不文明,隻是因為,大氛圍如此。( 馮秋紅)

  沒有“欣賞音樂”傳統的國度 不要為我們哭


  中國大多數地方現在是根本不存在“欣賞音樂會”這種氣場的,在家長們看來,那是絕好的琴童“教育會”。在音樂廳裡說話、喧嘩、打架這種丟臉的事情,在中國各地是風起雲涌、屢教不改。周作人說,“一切專家都是從附庸風雅開始的”,在我們大多數中國人還沒有學會尊重藝術家,尊重音樂之前,不要為我們哭,親愛的老外。你們要用中國地道的哲學觀──阿Q精神來寬慰自己。( 張 漪)

Wednesday, July 04, 2007



香港無線電視翡翠台 星期日晚十時半 交響情人夢(2007.8.12 - 2007.10.21)

Ten Years

Ten years ago:

- I just got married.

- I was still a trainee

- I was living at a 639 sq ft flat in Laguna City

- I laughed more often and told a lot more jokes

- I had more time for myself

- I read a lot more

- I was wondering what I would be like in ten years

- I only had HKD2m debt

- My salary was 30% of my current one

- I only had around 200 CDs

- I only had a Denon mini hi-fi

- I only had two shelves of books

- I was using a 486 desk-top at home (286 for office)

- I had no kid, not even thinking of having one

- I 95% travelled by MTR

- I had a lot more gatherings with friends

- I was a lot more arrogant

- I had my first cell phone (CDMA of Hutchison)

- I still had a lot of passion in my job

- I was thinking where to go for my next holiday

- I weighed 230 Ibs

- I had no interest to take further studies, esp MBA

- I thought I would stay as a commercial banker forever

- I could sleep for more than 10 hours. Easily!

- Versace was my favourite for ties (!!)

- I was probably more happy...

Ten years later:

- I have a kid, five and a half months old

- I am using a HKD468 Nokia cell phone, with a blackberry provided by the company

- I am using two lap-tops

- I have over 3,000 CDs (exact number unknown)

- I have over 5 shelves of books but am reading less

- I have a decent set of Hi-Fi, but got less time to listen to music

- I just celebrated my 10-year anniversary with my wife, who is lovelier than 10 years ago

- I am thinking when I can go for a break overseas

- I weigh 250 Ibs

- I have become less cynical towards the society and people around me

- I confirm there is no need for me to take an MBA

- I changed job

- I have just bought a new flat, having sold one three years ago.

- I don't need nice ties for work now.

- I have come to know 10 times the people I knew 10 years ago, mostly customers and business partners

- It is luxurious if I could sleep for more than 7 hours now.