Monday, August 28, 2006

Les Boys

Kajie posted the rules of the game for Les Boys. I said I only meet one of the criteria. Kajie said I am too humble. I therefore list out the criteria here:

如果你在夏天不能保持一個月起碼坐遊艇出海一次,你就不可能會是Les Boys.注意,遊艇可以是你的,也可以是你朋友的,the question is not your wealth,it's your circle.

My circle of friends don't normally 坐遊艇出海 every month.

在人山人海的沙灘碰到Les Boys的機會少之又少,但如果遇到,他們也肯定不會帶上 walk-man或有一具卡式錄音收音兩用機旁身.

I don't normally go to beaches, if I do, I will be listening to an iPod, which is equivalent to walkman.

Les Boys去沙灘可以坐汽車、的士、weekday空盪盪的巴士或步行,但他們永遠不會坐小巴.

I like 小巴. They are fast.

如果在曬太陽時一定要有精神寄托,Les Boys寧願看paperback而不會聽收音機.

I would listen to iPod and read hardback.

如果你喜歡在沙灘上穿些短無可短、布料少無可少的泳褲行來行去,你決不會是Les Boys,Les Boys的泳褲多數是較保守、密實,即使他們的身材是可以meet到任何挑戰.

My 身材不可以meet到任何挑戰.

不要告訴我你曾經見到一個Les Boys在沙灘吃燒雞翼.

Chicken wings are my favourite.

Les Boys在什麼地方買衣服是一個秘密,他可以穿 Giorgio Armani,但絕不可以被人發現在 Giorgio Armani;給別人見到在時裝店試衫,對Les Boys來說是一件最尷尬的事情.

I never wear Giorgio Armani. In fact, their size doesn't fit me.

所以Les Boys盡量利用出門的時候添置下一季衣服,如果被逼要在本地買,他們會盡量揀些 odd hours在不可能的地方置裝.我曾親眼見到一個100% Les Boy下午三時在九龍城的雜價攤搜羅Polo(準備返美國讀書時穿).

I go to tailor for shirts and suits now, because I can't find any suitable sizes in Hong Kong.

Les Boys去赤柱是做資料搜集,找尋反教材,所以Les Boys身上的Polo 款式在赤柱永遠找不到,絕對不是偶然,it is the result of meticulous research.

Never done any research on fashion! This is the last thing I would do.

當你見到一個穿Topsider時不穿襪的Les Boys,不要以為他是高出一線,他只不過是剛看完The Official Preppy Handbook而已.

Never wore Topsider. Never 不穿襪. Don't know what The Officical Preppy Handbook is.

Les Boys在街上辨認同路人,主要是靠觀察對方的髮型,清爽整齊的髮型是構成 Les Boys的基本元素.至於他們怎樣廿四小時保持髮型整齊,長短適中,則是 Les Boys另外一個重要的秘密.

I go to EC House for haircut (HKD50; 10 minutes).

不要在Les Boys面前問他們在哪兒 blow dry頭髮,他們不會想到這是你的無知,他們只當你的問題是一項侮辱;在 Les Boys的字典裡,"blow dry" 永遠不可能出現.

I used to blow dry every day!

And Afro is something unheard of.

This one is not applicable to me. Not many people in HK have it anyway.

Les Boys不介意間中來一次 disco cruise,而他們的選擇永遠是DD over Manhanttan;他們喜歡被人望.

Disco is stranger to me. I don't like to be seen, and nobody would like to see me.

跳舞時,Les Boys永遠不會有大動作.在女朋友的要求下,間中出去舞池作適量的搖擺,對於Les Boys來說已是到了 limit.而 couple dance 始終是Les Boys的偏愛.

I don't normally dance. But when I do, I normally move quite wildly!

除了起碼一個月出海之外,Les Boys也要起碼一個月出現Regent 一次,他們去Regent咖啡座時,通常是經那道較少人注意的通去Steak House的樓梯.

Regent every month? No way.

新同樂和The Plume,如果要在兩者之間任擇其一,Les Boys一定會選擇The Plume.

Where is The Plume?

Les Boys, by definition,是沉默寡言的一群,所以施南生等人都喜歡和 Les Boys交往,他們是最 visually pleasant 的intelligent聽眾.

I talk a lot.

如果你不識打tennis, golf 或 squash,你永遠只是半個Les Boys ,而且還要勤做 jogging來補償,除非你精通一樣冷門的運動,例如 lawn bowling.

I do play lawn bowl. This is the only criteria I meet.

同樣,在遊艇上,Les Boys也要識得滑水或潛水,釣魚不算.

I know neither.

Les Boys起碼是一個或以上體育會/ 健身會的會員,像 Mariners Club,Nautilus Club,Hatch and Turk,Golf Club,Country Club,Kowloon Tong Club及其他各種波會.

I belong to none of them.

Les Boys最愛帶的飾物- school ring.

Haven't owned one in my life.

Les Boys永遠不會碰的飾物- 白色貝類頸鍊、綠玉、金鍊、腳鍊、牛仔手鍊.

I used to have a 綠玉 when I was in High School, though not any more.

Les Boys很少會聯袂走在一起,所以在一堆人中,你最多只會見到兩三個Les Boys,再多,肯定都是假的.

I would sometimes 走在一堆人中.

Les Boys 從不會在些ball包一檯來請朋友.他們永遠是屬於被邀請的一群,而且很搶手,沒有人請去 ball的,不算是 Les Boys.

Never been invited to a ball in my life.

無論任何場合,Les Boys都是糟透了的 host,但他們喜歡去 parties.

Don't like parties.

我可以和任何人打賭,女仔請Les Boys做 partner去 ball的次數肯定比 Les Boys請女仔的為多.

Same as above.

Les Boys穿西裝的時候,永遠不會拿住個 shopping bag.

I carry anything that needs to be carried when I wear suits.

如果有一天,星期六在中環上班不穿西裝終於成為 acceptable dress code,那是 Les Boys對社會的最大貢獻.

Not a criteria.

每一個Les Boy後面都有一個暗戀他的女秘書.

Cannot verify, but my assistant now is a male.

Les Boys坐公共交通工具 (主要是地鐵) 時,一定不會看報紙.

I love to read newspaper in MTR.

Les Boys的住所有一樣共通點,就是他們都會擁有某類健身的器械.


Les Boys 的唱片收藏裡,除了流行曲之外,必定有些少Jazz或古典,但在比例上,流行曲永遠是佔多數.

Pop songs make a small proportion in my collection.

錄影機是Les Boys 必備的裝設,但假如經常較時間錄影的就肯定不是Les Boys所為, they like to leave things alone.

Just 較時間錄影 《神鵰俠侶》last night.

如果可能的話,Les Boys都盡量不要有 roommate.

I don't mind having a roommate.

目前Les Boys最大的困擾 - wine tasting是他們必須具備的常識,但他們又不好意思去煤氣中心讀嘗酒班,怎麼辦?於是他們都各出奇謀去解決這個問題.

I love wines, but have no knowledge in wine tasting and am not prepared to solve this, as I don't think it is a problem.

講流利英語是做 Les Boys的起碼條件;中文,現在他們正在惡補,但 as a rule,他們都識得多一種外文,通常是某種 European language;精通與否並不重要,只要認得餐牌上或說明書上幾個字已經很夠 impressive,沒有人要求你是專家或學者.

Chinese is my mother tongue. No knowledge whatsoever about European Language except English.

永保青春是所有Les Boys的心願,你呢?

Not me - imagine you look 20 when you reach the age of 60? Disgusting!

Therefore I am not a Les Boy, and will never become one.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

My favourite CDs (I)


Gustav Mahler: Symphonie No. 9 by Herbert von Karajan

Absolutely the best for Marler's 9th symphony

Mahler: Symphony No. 2 "Resurrection"; Rattle, Auger, Baker by Sir Simon Rattle

After all these years, it'is still hard to find another better version.

Vengerov and Virtuosi

Vengerov is one of my favourite (living) violinists. He can really touch your heart! Listen to him. You'll love it!

Great Recordings Of The Century - Beethoven: Symphony no 9 / Furtwangler, Schwarzkopf by Wilhelm Furtwangler

Furtwangler's version is emotionally demanding. Don't listen to it as a background music!

Chopin - The Nocturnes by Maria Joao Pires

I was going to put Rubinstein's version here. But Pires was equally good, if not better! The quality of recording was good. And Pires was at her best. A bargain!

Beethoven: Symphonien Nos. 5 & 7 / Kleiber, Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra by Carlos Kleiber

This is a real bargin for Beethoven's 5th and 7th symphony. And they were conducted by (one of) the best conductor(s)!! This is a must-buy.

Bruckner: Symphony no 6 / Celibidache, Munich PO

You really have to listen to the 3rd movement of this symphony. Celibidache's interpretation was divine.

Tchaikovsky: Symphony no 4,5 & 6 / Mravinsky, Leningrad Philharmonic

Mravinsky's Tchaikovsky is second to none (perhaps with the exception of Pletnev and Karajan). Unbeatable choice of Tchaikovsky's Symphonies.

Jacqueline du Pre - a lasting inspiration - London Symphony Orchestra

Du Pre's interpretation of Dvorak and Elgar's cello concerto is one of the best versions. Buy it and you won't regret.

My favourite Mahler versions

I love Mahler's symphonies. All of them. But the ones below are the favourite of favourites. Whenever I don't know what to listen to, I would take one of these CDs out and enjoy the music.

Mahler 2 "Resurrection"
SIMON RATTLE, Arleen Auger, Janet Baker, City of Birmingham Symphony Choir & Orchestra
(rec. April 27, May 30 & June 1, 1986 in Watford Town Hall, London)

Kaplan's 2nd version on DG (Vienna Philharmonic) and Haitink's BPO (not Royal Concertgebouw) version on Philips are equally good.

Mahler 3
JASCHA HORENSTEIN, Norma Procter, Ambrosian Singers, Wandsworth School Boys' Choir, London Symphony Orchestra
(rec. July 27 & 29, 1970 in Fairfield Halls, Croyden)

Bernstein's version on CBS (NYPO) is equally good.

Mahler 5
JOHN BARBIROLLI, New Philharmonia Orchestra
(rec. July 16 to 19, 1969 in Watford Town Hall, London)

Mahler 6

MICHAEL TILSON THOMAS, San Francisco Symphony Orchestra
(rec. September 12 to 15, 2001 at concerts in Davies Symphony Hall, San Francisco)

Karajan's version on DG is equally good.

Mahler 9
HERBERT VON KARAJAN, Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra
(rec. September 30, 1982 at a concert in the Berlin Festival)

Monday, August 21, 2006

Haydn Complete String Quartets

Just got this set of Haydn Complete String Quartets. Love it. I am inclined to buy another set by NAXOS, played by Kodaly Quartet. But it is going to be another HKD800 (for 23 CDs). For the same stuff, I ask myself, do I really need one?

鐵板燒 - 花盃

花盃 is in Causeway Bay. I went there yesterday. The set lunch price is quite reasonable for 鐵板燒. For HKD160, you'll have 沙拉,味噌湯,一塊魚,一只蝦/Goose Liver 和牛肉 (US Angus; you could have Japanese Beef if you can afford to pay more). The food is quite good, comparable to 千登世. The seats are quite comfortable and privacy is preserved.

I quite like this place. Take a look at their website:

p.s. I have to warn you about the fact that their price for dinner is completely different (nearly doubled).

Sunday, August 20, 2006


Tagged by both Chauli and Maddog. In fact, I don't have a wallpaper in my office, as my company does not allow wallpaper downloaded from outside resources. I can only share the one I am using at home.

Window XP


這張桌布是什麼? 從哪裡取得的?
This is the standard VAIO wallpaper preset in the laptop. I used to have a photo of baby lion taken in South Africa. But the hard-disk crashed and it was changed. So I never changed it back to the original picture.


唔知。 Most of them are just files saved on a random basis.



有為了填這份接力, 還特地整理一下嗎?

Basically I am not concerned about what wallpaper I use, because I won't have time to look at the "desktop" screen!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

The Most Unknown Song of Danny Chan

I think only die-hard fans of Danny Chan would know this song. I sang it in a talent quest at Ying Wa Girls' School as a guest many many years ago. A simple song with simple melody, yet charming. Very typical of Danny.



曲:郭小霖 詞:鄭國江

人生迷惑我 心一個
我所要 我所想 偏偏不曾得過
明日會如何 沒法知結果
日子已蹉跎 沒法子重來過
重做過 人生原是個奈何
笑聲裡 哭聲中 當天竟迷失我
錯 承受了不怯懦 明日縱如何
未敢在蹉跎 突破全由我 全在我
明天來讓我開始過 愛的結 心的鎖

Saturday, August 12, 2006


Here are my CDs.

Miss HK

What I learnt from Miss HK tonight:

diary = 字典

字典 = 書

老夫子 = 書

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Keep the Change

I go to work by taxi every day. Usually the fare would either be HKD38.8 or HKD40.2. And if it is HKD40.2, normally the drivers would give me HKD60 back if I give them HKD100. I guess this is understood, because to round up to HKD41 would mean the customer would get back HKD59, which means a lot of coins and round up from HKD0.2 to HKD1.0 is quite a lot! Yesterday, this "abnormal" taxi driver did exactly that and gave me back HKD59. I did not like that and would probably avoid him next time round (if I ever meet him again).

What's wrong?

Saw a pregnant woman in MTR yesterday. Nobody gave their seats to her. What's wrong with Hong Kong people?

Monday, August 07, 2006

Haydn's Complete String Quartets

Just bought it over the internet for GBP44 (free shipping). It costs HKD1,410 in HMV. Can't wait to get it.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Penguin Guide

It is not always objective and some of the famous versions were missing. But it is the most comprehensive reference materials in the market. Not a bad investment for those who are into Classical music and CDs maniac. However, I won't buy it full price in Hong Kong - got it for USD15 through the net.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Book about Mahler's Symphonies

Just got this book today. I have been trying to get it since May. It should be an interesting study on Mahler's symphonies written in Chinese. Got something to read this evening!!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


I feel that my writing skill needs improvement. It is mainly to do with my writing style - it is so boring. Perhaps the reason is that I rarely read novels. Most of the time I can express my ideas and thoughts in a straight forward manner, but without any style. My sentence structure is so predictable. I admire people who can write with various styles.

Grammatically I am just OK, but sometimes I am not sure about certain usage and have to change my expression to accommodate the limited vocabulary. I tried to read books about style but I think the most effective way to improve my English would be to write and read more. There is no short-cut.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Haydn's Piano Trio

This is the only Haydn Piano Trio set in the market. This should speak for how treasurable it is. If you think Haydn is dull, you will have to listen to the music here - Nothing is more distant from the truth. Haydn is interesting, exciting, never boring, and you can find something new in every piece. The Beaux Arts Trio has done a tremendous job for music lovers. This is a low-priced set, the biggest bargain you can get for 9 CDs of Hadyn's ingenious works, which deserves much more attention than it currently receives.