There has been a hot topic in various blogs: 給童年的自己寫信. Many people have written their letters. I think this is a brilliant idea. Reminiscence is always something I like (a sign of aging). But then I think a more fruitful letter would be to write to our future self. This would create a space for us to think about how we are going to live.
Hi Andy,
How are you getting on? This sounds like a casual greeting, but I am really interested in how you have been doing. By the way, I am you but at the age of 35.
I hope you still manage to find the time to read, listen to music, etc. I hope you are still enjoying life. I hope you still have a kind heart, still have the passion to help those who are in need. I hope you have become more mature in the past 10 years.
You are now 45 and should now be in a role that can affect more people than you did 10 years ago in your career. I hope you have been a humble servant to the one you lead. Be a leader breeder, not a leader blocker. You have become aware of this since ten years ago. I hope you have not forgotten it on your way.
Do not forget to spend time with your family members, be it your wife, your kids, your sisters, your parents (if they are still there).
You have been seeking for improvement in the past ten years. I hope you have realised by now that those efforts put in were not wasted. You should have become a more mature person having a higher EQ in stressful situations. How are you coping with pressure? Remember you had some struggles in bringing home the problems from your work?
Do you still remember the worries that you had 10 years ago? I hope when you look back, you would laugh at them and think why you spent so much time worrying about those things and allowed youselves to be troubled by them. You should have come to realise that worries do not add much value and there are things that you have no control in your life. So the best solution is to leave them to God and just do your best.
You still remember the time when you thought you wanted to prove yourself to other people? We always want to let other people know that we are competent, smart and superior. You came to realise that there are things you are just not good at, and you are just another ordinary person that was endowed with some gifts. These gifts should not be the basis on which you value yourself. Instead, how you interact with others, how you live your life, how you help others finding their path, etc, are the important things in life.
Although other people might perceive you to be a cocky person, some people do find it easy to share with you because you are a good listener. Make use of this gift and help others along the way. There is no better serving than letting others know they are valuable and they are not alone. Most importantly, there is true Love in this world.
I truly hope that you would continue to live a focused life and you would be able to return to the right path when you drift away. I am sure God would constantly remind you along the way.
Keep up the good work.
Andy at 35.