Thursday, July 27, 2006

Vienna Philharmonic

Got 7 $600 tickets for 24SEP06. Only four people have confirmed they are going. 3 tickets left. Got to sell them.

I swear I will not buy tickets for anybody in the future.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006



- 方卓如 信報專欄作家

Monday, July 24, 2006

35 means what?

I have just turned 35. What does it mean to be 35? I have been thinking about it lately. I will turn 40 in five years. What have I achieved? What impacts have I made? What have I done to last? What friends have I made? ...

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Le Mieux Bistro

Le Mieux Bistro
地址: 柴灣嘉業街18號明報工業中心B座407-408號
電話: 2558 2877

Went to this restaurant (See Fong Choi) on 18JUL06. The menu is as follow:

Gazpacho Jelly
Tian Of Lobster,Scallop & Salmon
Tong Yum Consomme
Risotto with Yunan Mushroom
Rack of Lamb
Rib-eye steak

$500. I have to say it was not cheap, but it was value for money. The decor of the restaurant was somewhat basic, but it was quite comfortable. I brought my own wine and there was no cockage charged. The Consumme was the best. The Tian of Lobster, Scallop and Salmon was refreshing. The risotto was quite heavy but it tasted really good. The lamb and steak were tender but not particularly good, perhaps I was already full when I had the steak and lamb. Overall a very enjoyable evening. The only drawback is the location - you have to take a minibus or taxi from Hang Fa Chuen.

I would recommend it to my friends. Oh, forgot to mention. They also serve lunch. So those work in Chai Wan can try it.


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Monday, July 17, 2006


Watched this film during the weekend. The story was so so. 梁洛施 was quite charming in that her acting was quite natural - something that a new star usually can't do. 杜汶澤 was quite serious this time, indicating that he has the potential for more. The music was brilliant. Peter Kam is not only good at composing melodies, but he also managed to enhance the scene by creating the atmosphere through different styles of music. An entertaining film.

Thursday, July 13, 2006














長江網訊  據北京娛樂信報消息,“你不要再拍了,光不停地閃,使我不能集中精神演奏下去,請你離開。”前天晚上,正在上海東方藝術中心演奏音樂會最后一支曲目《降B大調小提琴和鋼琴奏鳴曲》的小提琴家穆特突然收弓,表情肅穆地用英語“請”這位一直用相機拍照的觀眾離開。演出被迫中止3分鐘之后,美妙的琴聲再次回蕩在劇場。據記者了解,穆特的經紀人昨天已經電話要求北京主辦方嚴格遵守演出合同的規定,嚴格控制劇場內秩序,如果出現上海的情況,穆特會隨時中止演出。




Monday, July 10, 2006


What a superb film this is. It was so provocative. The film is about racism and stereotypes, but it is not just about these. It's got much more to offer. A bunch of people looked separated, but they are linked through different (co)incidences. There are so many surprises in the film. It makes you think.

In my view, the issues discussed in the film will never be resolved, because this is the nature of human beings. I was left in a disturbed mood after watching the film.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Krystian Zimerman

Attended Zimerman's recital on Sunday evening. I have been waiting for the past three years for his return - his visit in 2003 was cancelled due to SARS.

Zimerman is the kind of pianist that you would sacrifice any gathering to attend his concert. His playing is highly intellectual. The Mozart Sonata was not something he is famour for, but he played it so well that it is one of the most impressive Mozart Sonatas I have heard live. The Gershwin and the Ravel were also inspiring.

The Chopin in the second half - the Mazurka and Sonata No.3 were very well presented. He played it poetically with intellectual depth. Needless to say, you can hardly find any wrong note from his playing.

I heard that he doesn't give encore. But he did give us two encores - Chopin's Ballade No.4, and another 20th century piece. I was overwhelmed by his playing. What could be more satisfying than attending a concert with such a high quality music for two and a half hours!

One more thing: He brought his own piano, which sounded a little different from the usual one in the Cultural Centre.