Listening to music after my son was born
I could hardly find time to sit down and listen to some music after my son was born. Sometimes I would steal 30 minutes after he goes to bed. But recently I found that I can listen to music with him - and move his arm as if he were the conductor. I could probably improve his musical sense by doing this. We tried Beethoven 5th symphony the other day, and he loved it.
Good way to enjoy some music, huh?
Good way to enjoy some music, huh?
Beethoven 5?
haha, next time may be you can try some Mahler then.
I have already tried Mahler 9, but Mahler in general does not facilitate "conducting" for my kid - you know, strong bits, loud sounds, etc. Hehe...
I think little Andy will love music when he is grown up.
for sure, it's good learning and he will love music when he grows up...
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