Mozart Violin Sonata
This Mozart Violin Sonata set was being played when I entered one of the CD shops in Taipei. I never heard of Walter Olbertz and Karl Suske, but their playing immediately captured my attention. It definitely surpassed Mutter and is almost comparable to my favourite version by Szeryng. Very warm sort of sound and the musical flow was superb. This is a surprise and I wonder how many other nameless player have I missed??
新年快樂~ 2008年笑口常開,寶寶快高長大。
早前買不到紐約愛樂和倫敦愛樂的票,除嘆口氣寄望明年請早外,忽想到也許網上會有人臨時去不了轉賣。(但暫時未找到) 知道你是音樂愛好者,如果有聽聞朋友要賣票,能告訴並轉售我嗎?十分謝謝你。
Will let you know once I hear anyone not going. I may have one ticket to sell on one of the London Phil concerts. Not confirmed yet.
Wow~ Thanks a lot, Andy~ @^-^@
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