Thursday, June 23, 2005

Midori's Violin Recital

She has become much more matured in terms of musical sense compared with a few years ago. She played Beethoven's violin sonata and Franck's violin sonata in the first half of the recital. Both were beautifully played. The second-half was Bach's unaccompanied sonata No.2. Midori played it artiscally, with a sense of calmness and rationality.

Her violin was a Guarnerius made in 1734. The sound she produced from this precious antique was sweet and elegant, though my seat was not particularly good accoustically and the sound I heard was quite soft.

I have a feeling that the audience was not paricularly enthusiastic about her performance last night. But I quite enjoyed it. Her elegance, her musical sense, and her sincerity have brought about an enjoyable evening for me.


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