Getting Older
Tungpo said he found out something in 2005, which, among other things, include the followings:
- 與身邊人相依,頗感溫暖。
- 明白一些事情不知道比知道的好,一些人不認識比認識了會令人生活更愉快。
- 人到中年,身體狀況就一年差過一年。
- 漸漸不喜歡熱鬧人多場合。
- 愛留在家中。
- 對購物失去興趣。
I share his findings. But I also think these feelings come with aging - you tend to agree with these feelings when you get older.
- 與身邊人相依,頗感溫暖。
- 明白一些事情不知道比知道的好,一些人不認識比認識了會令人生活更愉快。
- 人到中年,身體狀況就一年差過一年。
- 漸漸不喜歡熱鬧人多場合。
- 愛留在家中。
- 對購物失去興趣。
I share his findings. But I also think these feelings come with aging - you tend to agree with these feelings when you get older.
我好後生 ja wor......
我都好後生 gar ja ......
I am no longer young. That's why I understand well.
- 不喜歡熱鬧人多場合。
- 愛留在家中!
yes to all except i do love shopping XD
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