Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Last Three Days

I joined a camp last week. There was a chance at the end of it to reflect on what I would do if my life is approaching the last three days. I had serious difficulty in thinking what would happen and what I would do. It was nearly blank at first! I only thought of some friends. I'd like to meet them all, talk to them about my life and what we did together. I did not have many worries or uncompleted tasks. I just wanted to live those three days peacefully. I would certainly miss my wife. And I would be so sorry to have to leave her early.

During the meditation, many people cried. My wife shared with me her feeling and what she had in mind - among many things that she would do, she said she would cook a dinner for me. I feel so ashamed of myself. I only thought of going to one of the usual restaurants and have one last dinner! I did not think of doing something for her when I am about to leave this world. I cried.


Blogger 史路比 said...

andy, you're blessed.. ^^

Saturday, October 08, 2005 9:44:00 AM  
Blogger Ruth Tam said...

You are blessed. Happy for you.

Friday, October 14, 2005 10:04:00 PM  

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